Sunday, December 29, 2013

Suspended Terror

In June, Michelle Shocked thought it would be funny to post the personal contact info of a reporter on Twitter. When he asked her to remove the Tweets, she refused. In June, Michelle Shocked was suspended from Twitter. That is, her primary and verified Twitter account ( @MShocked ) was suspended. She maintains multiple accounts, a violation of Twitter's rules and regulations. Almost as soon as she was suspended, she began using @IndelibleWoman, continuing to troll and harass others on Twitter.

Michelle's primary account was restored after a few days, but gone was the little blue checkmark awarded to verified profiles. She spent the next several months blaming others for her own mean-spirited words.
Michelle was acting like a spoiled child, desperate for attention. And when spoiled children don't get their way, they storm off to their rooms, slamming the door behind them. The online variation of slamming the door is to deactivate your own account, which is what Michelle did.
When nobody knocked on her metaphorical door to check on her... when the party continued in her absence, she emerged again, still wanting to be noticed. Still tugging at everybody's clothing, still spilling everybody's drinks, and still being the spoiled little brat she is. Eventually, everybody grew sick of her bullshit. On Christmas Eve she spammed apx. 60 people with the words "Marry Christmas" and a link to Perrin Blackman's blog of revisionist nonsense. Enough people reported her, and she was suspended a second time.
Like a bad penny, Michelle does not vanish easily. After a couple days, her account was restored again. But though a spoiled child can eventually learn to stop seeking negative attention, Michelle's ignorance and ego are limitless. This time, not only was she spamming dozens of people, but she mounted another of her conspiracy theories, blindly (and blandly) accusing random people of being behind Twitter accounts that have opposed her hate speech.
In the mind of Michelle, there isn't a multitude of individuals who disagree with her. Her grandest conspiracy theory of all is that we are all one person. She thinks I am Anile and Anile is Liz and Liz is Kat and Kat is Rhonda and Rhonda is the eggman and the walrus (koo koo ka choo!). Ad infinitum, ad absurdum. Again her accusations and attacks against innocent people backfired, and her account has been suspended a third time.
Will Michelle Shocked return to her primary account? Will she create a new account? Will Perrin Blackman reactivate her account to continue threatening innocent people? Will Jeff Bruce Cohn emerge after more than 50 suspended accounts to threaten more rape and more violence in the name of Michelle Shocked? It is anybody's guess.
In an age when reality TV stars can emerge victorious after equating homosexuality to terrorism, the importance of holding Michelle Shocked accountable for her hate speech has never been more clear. Forgiveness and absolution are available to those who seek it, but not for those who flaunt hatreds and prejudices in the faces of others. The line must be drawn.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Bullies shouldn't smile

Earlier this week, the smug, self-satisfied smirks of three cyber-bullies really pissed me off.
There they were, Michelle Shocked and two of her stooges, Perrin Blackman and Jaimito. For nine months these people have insulted, threatened, and harassed countless individuals. They have belittled the LGBT community, they have targeted African-Americans, and they trolled the Internet looking for information they could use against Michelle's critics. Michelle espoused one crackpot conspiracy theory after another while Perrin and Jaimito enabled her. Anyone who disagreed become a target.

Why? Michelle Shocked would have you believe her persistent racist remarks and gaybashing were part of her online "art project," that her victims were merely her canvas.

But that was just one of many of Michelle's rationalizations. Another was that she was trying to prove an elaborate internet conspiracy by Google, YouTube, and gay men and women all over the world.

Bottom line was that if you wished to be a fan of Michelle Shocked's you were never allowed to disagree with her. You were never allowed to question her. You were never allowed to speak to the wrong people or say the wrong thing or be civil to those with differing points of view.

Over the last nine months I've interacted with scores of individuals who joined in opposing Michelle's hate speech. Every single one of them, without question, was once a fan of Michelle Shocked. They'd bought her CDs. They'd paid money to hear her live. Some had met her and a few even knew her personally. Most eagerly anticipated the 25th anniversary of "Short Sharp Shocked." The people who have been so vocal against Michelle Shocked all wanted to support her. They all wanted her to seek help if she was mentally ill. They all wanted her to make amends for the hurtful things she said. Apparently, those desires were too much to ask for.

Michelle attacked her fans. She attacked her critics. She attacked the media and new media outlets that served as outlets where her fans and critics could gather. She attacked sites that archived her hate speech. For nine months she pushed away friends and fans and strangers alike, treating everyone with scorn.

Liz, an IRL friend, was cast aside after she tried to help Michelle pick up the pieces and resurrect her career. Cheryl, a fellow Occupy protester, who posted plea after plea for Michelle to seek help. Doc, a fan from Europe, who volunteered to help promote her UK tour if she'd focus on making music instead of spreading hate. Nicole, a broadcaster, who tried to offer an outlet for Michelle to publicly set the record straight. Chris, who wanted to believe Michelle was simply misunderstood, and hoped (and possibly still hopes) Michelle would stop the Twitter attacks and get back to singing. Anile, who assumed (as most of us did), that Michelle would offer up a mea culpa to the people of San Francisco, after which the healing could begin. Miranda, who reluctantly cancelled an appearance at her Seattle venue by Michelle Shocked, but still met with her and hoped for best, only to have Michelle frighten her children in their own home.

If you haven't followed the saga since March, you might not recognize those names. But those are just a few of many. Most have gone underground. Many either deleted their Twitter accounts or Michelle worked to get them suspended. Others simply resigned themselves to the new Michelle Shocked and blocked her madness, unwilling to witness the wasted talent and potential.

The ones who stuck around have been bullied, insulted, threatened, and maligned by Michelle and her sycophants. Michelle's M.O. is to hit and run -- Launch a verbal assault on someone, but then cowardly delete her own words before Twitter can suspend her for them. Jaimito followed his mistress's cue and deleted most of his threats, doing so despite hiding behind a locked account. Perrin Blackman (aka @FreestateKansas) lost her Twitter account after she made repeated threats to me and others.

Not pictured in the above group shot are Michelle's three other allies, Ed the Homophobe, Quad the Coward, and Jeff the Wannabe Rapist. Had they been there, their Cheshire grins would have been equally abhorrent to me.
Bullies shouldn't smile. They shouldn't have any opportunity to gloat or boast or brag. They ought to live every day in misery, empty and alone, until they choose to renounce their hatreds and prejudices.

Michelle Shocked deactivated her Twitter account yesterday, and a weary Internet rejoiced. 
Sadly, she reactivated it today. And she won't change. She will continue to lie and attack. She will continue to play the victim.

She fought to suspend a critic from Twitter, despite him being probably the only remaining music critic who would welcome her comeback. As usual, she overestimated herself. She lost the battle, lied and bitched about it, and went away to lick her wounds.
But for those who she hurt already and those whom she might hurt in the future, we all need to remain vigilant. We all need to work to ensure fewer victories for these smiling thugs. We need to prevent hatred from gaining access to a stage or a microphone. At the risk of injecting a cliché, Edmund Burke once opined, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." If you are silent, you are complicit. Michelle Shocked is proud of her new persona. She regrets nothing. Until that changes, until the bully slinks away feeling the shame she deserves, I ask everyone to keep going.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Targeting Hate

Imagine this:

You are a fan of a musician. You buy a ticket to hear that musician perform her music live at a local venue. You go to the show and hear music. Then, suddenly, with no warning, the musician preaches condemnation and hate. She speaks about homosexuality leading to the end times. She verbally attacks members of the audience with gaybashing.

What do you do?

One brave woman cried out. Correction, more than one brave woman cried out, but Anile was the first. It is her voice you can hear in the bootleg audio, questioning Michelle Shocked, demanding answers, and holding Michelle accountable for her own words. On Twitter, Anile continued to confront Michelle Shocked. As Shocked hid behind lie after lie, insult after insult, Anile kept fighting for her fellow offended fans. She fought for the LGBT community. She fought for the other minorities Michelle Shocked targeted online. She fought for strangers.

And now this brave woman is afraid. Why? Because Jeff Bruce Cohn, a man who has repeatedly threatened to rape women who oppose Michelle Shocked, now knows her name and where she works.

Because Michelle Shocked, who has endorsed violence by Jeff Bruce Cohn in the past, now knows her name and where she works.

Because a coward known only as Jaimito, who tried to locate my contact information to give to Jeff Bruce Cohn so he could rape me, now knows her name and where she works.

One of those sick sociopaths called Anile's workplace today and made a threat. One of those psycho fucks told lies to her employer. One of those sad wastes of oxygen continues to spread lies to her employer via Twitter. But regardless of who is specifically doing what, Michelle Shocked is guilty of it all. She hides behind the evil actions of others, but she endorses them on Twitter.

She continues to spread lies and hate speech while Twitter gives her a free pass, which is ironic considering Michelle Shocked claims to despise social media.

But I do not despair. Because since March of 2013, Michelle Shocked has not received money to sing. She appeared at a nursery for free (where she frightened innocent children), and the nursery owner said she regretted it. She leapt onto a stage without the permission of a venue owner a few months ago, and the venue owner publicly stated she was not to do so again. Every venue that booked Michelle subsequent to her Yoshi's rant has rescinded their booking. That is the legacy of Anile, the first woman to take a stand against Michelle Shocked. Michelle's hate speech doesn't move beyond her smattering of sycophants, because scores of people work independently towards the same goal: Preventing Michelle Shocked from hurting anyone else.

Michelle Shocked is gloating today about having intentionally targeted and frightened an innocent woman whose only crime was buying a ticket to hear Michelle Shocked sing. To Michelle, it is all a game and her former fans are cannon fodder. And as Michelle Shocked continues targeting innocents, she seems oblivious that the person most injured by her hatred is herself.

Monday, December 2, 2013




Redefining extortion

Denial. That's the word that best describes the root cause behind Michelle Shocked's continued online antics. As long as she denies her responsibility for the hateful words that spewed from her face at Yoshi's, and as long as she refuses responsibility for the hateful words on Twitter that I've helped to archive in this blog, her career as a performance artist cannot be allowed to exist. She is a bully, both on stage and in the cyber world. She insults people based on how they look and who they love. Those sorts of verbal attacks cannot go unanswered.

Michelle has had to go farther and farther away from her Los Angeles home to try to book gigs, because venue owners nearby are aware of her hate speech and want no part of it. She's recently tried to secure bookings in the UK. When she does, I and several others reach out to the club owners, as well as any nearby LGBT organizations who might not be aware of exactly how monstrous she is. Once informed, every manager and owner has canceled her bookings. Michelle Shocked calls those of us who tell the venue owners about her hate speech "extortionists." As far as I know, all any of us have to do is make venue owners aware of her bigotry and gaybashing, at which point they elect to refuse to allow her on their stage. No threats beyond boycotting any venue that might be foolish enough to hand Michelle a microphone, but so far nobody's wanted to chance another on-stage outburst by "the world's greatest homophobe" (yes, that is a direct quote of hers... she takes pride in the title).

Meanwhile, good people who support LGBT causes are getting defamed and accused of participating in some sort of extortion conspiracy. It is insane. Only someone in deep denial would even make such claims. I again urge anyone who reads this to report Michelle's Twitter account for repeated harassment of people who only seek to hold her accountable for her own words. She claims there are ringleaders and "sockpuppets" but there is no organization... no "conspiracy." There are good individuals who believe a stage and an audience are gifts for musicians, and bigots do not deserve such gifts. If you agree, write to The Cluny and ask them to refuse to allow Michelle Shocked to take their stage. It isn't extortion to allow the venue owners to make an informed decision before agreeing to hand an artist a microphone.