Sunday, February 1, 2015

Michelle Shocked, conspiratorial cunt

The sick fucking psycho is still at it!
Nearly two years of gaybashing, racebaiting, Jewbashing, threats, insults, and lies by Michelle Shocked. She pathetically continues to try to convince anybody she can that she is somehow a victim. Does anyone believe her? So few that she can name them all in two Tweets:
She pathetically continues to try to affix herself to any big event claiming the world is out to get her. Google is all about Michelle Shocked. Spotify is all about Michelle Shocked. The Ukraine is all about Michelle Shocked. She continues proudly using her nickname, the world's greatest homophobe:
Last month she claimed the start of a US "comeback". She neglected to make public that she paid somebody to take a writing class because it concluded with a stage appearance. Her "comeback" was paid for, a few minutes in a variety show in a tiny room where the on-stage performers outnumbered the audience, and she made so little of an impression that a search for a reaction by anyone who went to the show turns up zero results on Twitter. Not only is the world not out to get her, the world doesn't know who she is.
Michelle Shocked pathetically wants people to think her career is over because a group of people (sometimes from Google, sometimes "promos" from the "gaystapo", and recently from D.A.R.P.A.) made her a victim. She still can't see the opposite is true and that the people she victimized were once her fans and supporters. She claims to be all about the truth, but anybody who questions her on her Facebook page is blocked and his\her comments deleted. Her victims are denied the chance to confront the bullying bitch.

But I'm still laughing at her. As the above Tweets of hers revealed, two years of online cyberabuse and she has only eight pathetic people on her side. Eight fucking people in two fucking years! That is fucking funny and fucking sad.

Let Michelle Shocked have her conspiracies. Let her spread her pathetic bullshit on Twitter and Facebook about "organized stalking" being her problem. There is a record on this blog of what she said for anyone to read. And since the rest of the world neither knows nor cares who Michelle Shocked is, the last laugh continues to be at her expense.
