Since Michelle Shocked sabotaged her career over a year ago, she has continuously attempted to cast blame everywhere but on herself. She blamed the audience at Yoshi's for not understanding that when she told them to tweet "God hates f*ggots," she didn't mean it, even though she also firmly stated she shared the beliefs of the homophobes who thought gay marriage would bring about the rapture. She blamed those who leaked the recording of her hate speech online, as well as the journalists who reported the story, accusing them of manufacturing it and partaking in a conspiracy, as if they forced her to shout hate speech at her audience. She blamed Google for refusing to take down clips of her hate speech, believing hate speech to be "intellectual property." She blamed club owners who cancelled her appearances, because she didn't understand why they wouldn't want hate speech shouted on their stage. She blamed individuals on Twitter who questioned her continued use of hate speech against homosexuals, Native Americans, African Americans, Jews, and others. She blamed "professional homosexuals" for being outraged at her anti-gay hate speech, because I suppose she assumed they'd hug her when she called them f*gs. She blamed the city of San Francisco, she blamed artists and bands hired to fill in after her gigs were cancelled, and she blamed random people, many of whom barely knew who Michelle Shocked was.
I know there are others she blamed who I am forgetting. There are too many to remember. Her most recent exploits have her on an online fishing expedition, trying to uncover the identities of people like me on Twitter, openly begging members of her email list to spy on her behalf, filing fraudulent complaints (dismissed) naming multiple innocent people, linking to other innocent people on the messages she posts, throwing shit onto the wall in the hope something will stick and she will have somebody new to blame.
What she continues to fail to grasp is that the identities of Twitter avatars do not matter. My name could be Kevin, Sharon, Tina Ann, Anile, Elise, Shorty, Marc, Steve, Cheryl, Liz, Chris, or Jesus H. Christ. My identity doesn't change Michelle Shocked's hate speech. But as long as she continues fishing for names of people to threaten, troll, bully, and harass, here are a few she can add to her list. These people are helping Michelle to damage her career and reputation:
Perrin Blackman - This clueless woman is basically Michelle's stooge. If I had to guess, Perrin knows deep down how full of shit Michelle really is, but is too wrapped up in figurative (or literal) star fucking to say so publicly. Instead, she operates as Michelle's mouthpiece. Michelle can never recover as long as Perrin is at her side.
Jeff Bruce Cohn - The only phrase that applies to Jeff Bruce Cohn is sick fucking psycho. He believes whatever Michelle says is gospel. If she blames a reporter, he turns around and threatens the reporter's child. If she blames a man, he threatens physical violence or murder. If she blames a woman, he threatens rape. Michelle knows this and feeds into his inner demons, which in turn feeds her own demons.
Karen Michelle Johnston - Karen had the sort of childhood I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. I can't fathom the pain she experienced or the cruelty she endured, but none of what happened to her when she was young can excuse any bad behavior she exhibits as an adult. If Michelle Shocked is looking for someone to blame, look no further.
Michelle is content to allow her attack dogs to keep trolling and threatening others on her behalf. She thinks that is a workable solution to her problems. She thinks uncovering my identity will restore her career. If she wasn't continuously targeting innocent people, I'd be content to allow her to continue, because the longer she wastes time on me, the worse her chances are of ever restoring her career. But I'd like to propose an alternate strategy for Michelle Shocked:
Instead of blaming others, produce some music. You claim to be a musician... go make music. People were drawn to Anchorage and other songs because they evoked a tone and a style that resonated. Find that part of yourself again. Whatever hatred you feel against gays or all the other people you feel have wronged you, shift your passion back to your music. Your music established you, and only when you stopped singing did your career suffer. Speaking as myself, or as my avatar if you prefer, I have no interest in hearing you sing, but I have less interest in seeing you continuing to target innocent people, either directly or through surrogates. Go make music Michelle. Forget about who I am, because we both know I'm not your problem. Stop the bullshit and sing.
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